Member Spotlight Kedford Boutique

This week’s Member Spotlight is on Kedford Boutique, owned by Kelly & Cris Thetford. I met Kelly when she was the store manager at the Pink Pistol and I was working across the street at The Ladysmith B&B. When the store closed in 2016, Kelly began her own venture as a retailer with a home-based clothing business. The following year, she opened her first brick-and-mortar in Tishomingo at 106 W. Main Street and 8 months later moved to her current location at 206 W. Main Street. 

Kedford Boutique carries women and children’s clothing, accessories, gifts, shoes, car scents, school pride apparel, insulated and customizable tumblers and drinkware, and any other unique items they can find to bring to Tishomingo! Thetford, like many of our giving business owners in the area, frequently donates to school organizations, MSC student functions, charities, events, and local fundraisers. 

The name Kedford is a unique play on the names of Kelly’s kiddos; Knox (originally stood for Kelly before he was born), Evan, and Deacon, and Ford is the last half of her husband’s last name, Thetford. She and Cris married in 2017 and their blended family is super cute, strong, and happy. Kedford Boutique is a family business that is currently the sole income for the household and Kelly is currently the only staff with the current health climate happening. She handles all of the promoting, ordering, invoicing, labeling, packaging and more. It is definitely a lot for one person and Kelly asks for your understanding and patience as she tries to fill orders on her own. She has also been appointed to fill an open position on the Johnston County Chamber Board of Directors and we’re so glad to have her to bring new ideas to the table! She’s hitting the ground running and working with other downtown merchants to create a new monthly event, “Itchin’ To Have A Fun Friday”.

Prior to the pandemic, Kedford was open seven days per week for their customer’s shopping convenience. For as long as possible, Kelly is going to be at the store on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11-4 to work on orders and post what inventory she has left. During this time, most warehouses have stopped operation and are not shipping out merchandise, so it’s incredibly hard to get new items. On these days, customers can pick up their orders curbside and pay for invoices via PayPal through email. If closing becomes necessary, notice will be posted on their Facebook page. 

The Thetford family asked me to express to the readers of this column how much they appreciate the new and continued customers that have shopped during this very trying time for everyone. Small businesses support the economy, community events, and families. The Thetfords are one of those families. Give them a ‘Like’, ‘Follow’, or leave a review on their Facebook page. Call to pick-up orders curbside at 580-387-5077.

“Remember all the small businesses you’ve asked for years to donate to your clubs, events and organizations? They’re calling in a favor. Answer the call however you can.” – Unknown